
Author Archives

  • Team building under the baobab tree

    First impressions after the voluntary work of Ann Noppen, Consense and Ingrid De Clercq, Congaz in Benin   We were struck by their openness to learn and absorb new concepts.  In the North we often adopt an attitude of “healthy criticism”, which slows down the learning process.  In Benin we encountered no bounderies:  the step between […]

  • Consense & Congaz in partnership, doing voluntary work in Benin

    About one year ago Ann Noppen’s brother, Herman, who collaborates with the NGO Eco-Benin in Benin, Africa, told her – unintentionally –  that Eco-Benin could be interested in being supported in developing further their leadership, as they were growing so fast due to their success.  His remark did not fall in deaf ears: …for some […]

  • Wat moeten leiders met duurzaamheid in hun onderneming?

    De afgelopen periode hebben we ervaren dat ondernemen vanuit louter egocentrisme en materialisme niet werkt. De bankcrisis, depressies en klimaatsveranderingen hebben ons dat geleerd. Vanuit onze projecten bij Consense zien wij dat leiders stappen willen zetten naar duurzaam ondernemerschap met een goede balans tussen egocentrisme en de oriëntatie op de ander en materialisme en het […]